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STEM Games 2018

FOI students participated in first edition of STEM Games, an international student competition, which was held from 8th until 13th May 2018 in Poreč, Croatia.

17.05.2018, 07:59
Lecture about students with disabilities

Prof. Leila Kiš-Glavaš, Ph.D. from the Department of Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Science of the University of Zagreb, held a lecture about students with disabilities on 8th of May within internal FOI project "TIme 4 Science".

14.05.2018, 07:21
FOI International days 2018

FOI International days 2018 were held at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) Varaždin from 9th until 11th May 2018.

FOI students won at hackathon with an innovative application

The first edition of Change Code hackathon competition was organized by KING ICT. The competitors had to develop a virtual place which would connect associations who need help with citizens who are willing to volunteer.

07.05.2018, 14:04
FOI students in the finals of the Start-up Competition in Vienna

Students from the Master study program Economics of Entrepreneurship at FOI have participated in a start-up competition, which was held from 28th until 29th of April 2018 in Budapest.

03.05.2018, 14:15
FSec Underground Lecture

FSec lectures on "Threat intelligence, detection and response @ scale" were held at FOI on 11th of May 2018.

03.05.2018, 12:42
Festival of Science at FOI

The Faculty of Organization and Informatics organized from 16th until 19th of April 2018 several events within The Festival of Science.

27.04.2018, 10:24
First study visit of FOI students to the Faculty of Organizational Science in Belgrade

Students of Economics of Entrepreneurship at FOI participated from 27th to 28th March 2018 a first study visit to Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) in Belgrade.

Italian Ambassador in Croatia and Attachée for Economic and Trade Relations of the Embassy visited FOI

On March 26th, 2018, Dean of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics Full Prof. Neven Vrček, Ph.D. hosted the Italian Ambassador in Republic of Croatia, His. E. Adriano Chiodi Cianfarani and the Attachée for Economic Affairs and Trade of the Embassy, Mr. Gianluca Di Felice.

26.03.2018, 15:40
International workshop "e-Payments"

The international workshop "e-Payments" was held at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics from 12th until 16th of March 2018.

22.03.2018, 16:13
