The cooperation between FOI and the industry is seen within the implementation of development projects, in fostering the start-up companies within the premises of the Technology Park Varaždin as well as within the quality student practice conducted by the students.

Development projects
The importance of such projects lies in the fact they are industry oriented and foster the development of a society as a whole including at the same time professional focus, development and research elements. As the direct transfer of knowledge to industry in the area of professional and development projects and the activities of the teaching staff at FOI it is important to highlight the consultancy performed within the field of the information systems development.
The importance of the professional, national and international project activities lies in the fact that they directly foster the quality improvement of current activities and their integration of the academia and industry.
Professional practice
The professional practice is the obligatory and integral part of the curriculum within the undergraduate and professional study programmes at FOI. Students are obliged to conduct the professional practice to improve their theoretical knowledge with practical experience as well as to complete their final undergraduate papers or graduate dissertations. It also enables them to finish their studies more successfully as well as to be included in the professional work as early as possible.
Within its Student Support and Career Development Centre FOI has cooperated with more than 370 companies and institutions within which the students conduct their professional practice and start their careers. According to the records, more than the third of all students are, within the period 3-6 months, employed by the companies included in FOI programme of professional practice.
Technology Park Varaždin
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, as well as the City of Varaždin, and the University North in Varaždin are the co-owners of the Technology Park Varaždin.
Most of the start-ups in the Technology Park operate within the field of ICT, they are export oriented with the internationally recognised products. For what regards FOI, the Technology Park means great potential for the implementation of the development and applied research as well as considered as the place that enables new employments for FOI graduates.