Information Technology and Business Digitalization is delivered at the Faculty but also at the study centres located in Zagreb and Sisak. Upon completing this study programme students receive the vocational degree Bachelor of Business Informatics.

Establisher and Performer
The study programme Information Technology and Business Digitalization was developed and it is delivered by the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin. In the performance of the study programme, the Faculty has established cooperation with other higher education institutions as well as organizations from private and public sector.
Study program in Numbers
The study programme Information Technology and Business Digitalization is performed in the duration of three years. Students are required to earn a minimum of 180 ECTS credits at the undergraduate level.
Academic title
Upon finishing this three year study programme students receive the vocational degree Bachelor of Business Informatics.
New knowledge
By achieving the learning outcomes through the study process, students will gain the following:
- Knowledge and understanding of fundamental disciplines, such as selected fields of mathematics, economics and foreign languages, as a basis for acquiring necessary expertise
- Knowledge and understanding of individual economical methods, organization management methods and methods of information systems development
- Knowledge and understanding of product or service lifecycle, as well as of an information system development lifecycle
- Understanding and application of basic information system development methods in the field of modelling and developing of simple software solutions (database and software applications)
- Knowledge and ability to apply methods in the development of software support for simple organizational processes on the level of deployment
- Knowledge and ability to participate in the creation of documentation of information systems (IS maintenance and protection).