The FOI Quality Assurance System was formally established in 2010. The fundamental document of the internal quality assurance system at FOI is the Regulation on the Quality Assurance System. This regulation defines the objectives, purpose, evaluation areas, organization, and functioning of the quality assurance system at FOI. It also outlines the role of the FOI Faculty Council in the quality assurance system, the organization and operation of the Quality Assurance Committee, and the Quality Assurance Office, as well as the areas in which quality assurance measures and activities are implemented at FOI.
The areas of quality assurance and improvement that FOI was among the first to align with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area include:
- Rules and procedures for the development, assurance, and improvement of the quality system at FOI;
- Development, approval, monitoring, and periodic evaluation of study programs offered at FOI;
- Student teaching, evaluation of student work, and grading;
- Learning resources and student support from enrollment to graduation;
- Teacher competencies;
- Scientific research activities;
- Professional activities;
- Mobility and international cooperation;
- Resources for educational, scientific-research, and professional activities;
- The institution's information system and transparency of operations.
All these areas are included in annual quality assurance activity plans and quality assurance reports.