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Created: 08.10.2021
ceciis 2021

The 32nd International Scientific Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems – CECIIS 2021, organized by the Faculty of Organization and Informatics of the University of Zagreb, will be held from 13 to 15 October 2021. Taking in mind the well-being of all participants, guests and organizers, this year’s conference is organized as a virtual event. 

The conference has this year it’s 32nd edition and, since the first year, it has developed into one of the most important conferences in the field of applied information sciences in Central Europe. The Conference Proceedings are referenced in several international scientific databases. Last year’s conference was dedicated to the future, trends and impact of technology on the society, and this year’s edition is focused on a networked society. During the three days of the conference, 43 peer-reviewed scientific papers by 111 authors, from 15 countries, will be presented as part of 9 scientific sections. As part of the CECIIS 2021 International conference, in addition to the presentation of scientific papers, a Student Section is being organized. The Section gathers around 20 young researchers from Europe and United States and enables students to exchange experience with fellow students and mentors in an international environment. The heads of the section are Full Prof. Violeta Vidaček-Hainš, Ph.D. and Full Prof. Victoria Appatova, Ph.D. Great support was given to the students by their mentors, Full Prof. Enrique Mu, Ph.D. and Full Prof. Kamal Gella, Ph.D. from the USA, and Full Prof. Jozef Bushati, Ph.D., Asst.Prof. Sidita Duli, Ph.D. and Virtit Lesha from Albania.

Important information and news about the conference can be found on the website, and the Programme is available on

This year's conference takes place in an online edition and it is our great pleasure to invite all interested stakeholders to join and participate in interesting events of the open part of the conference. More information and links are provided below!


Join us on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 9:30 am at the virtual opening of this year's conference! After the opening and welcome session keynote speeches will be given by distinguished experts and scientists Henry Muccini from Italy (University of L'Aquila, Information Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematics Department) on the topic Architecting Sustainable Software through Machine Learning: an experience report and Dunja Mladenić from Slovenia (Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Artificial Intelligence) on the topic Artificial Intelligence in/for the Society.

Opening and Welcome Session, as well as the Keynote Speeches, can be followed on this link:


We are especially pleased to invite interested stakeholders to take part in two panel discussions "Accelerating smart industry and digital transformation" and "Emerging research areas: the vision of journal editor“, designed to bring participants closer to current scientific and research topics.

On the first conference day, Wednesday, October 13th, panellists Dr. h. c., prof.h.c., prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík (Slovak Republic), o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. techn. Dimitris Karagiannis (Austria), prof. Slavko Vidović, Ph.D. (Croatia) and prof. Henry Muccini, Ph.D. (Italy) with the chair prof. Neven Vrček, Ph.D.  will seek to answer the question what a country and society can do to enhance development of smart industry and what interplay of main stakeholders: business entities, scientific community and regulators is necessary to develop smart industry and contribute to general development of modern enterprises.

You can follow this panel on the link:

More information on the panel is available here.

On Thursday, October 14th 2021 join us for the editors' panel "Emerging research areas: the vision of journal editor“. Use this opportunity and speak with four editors-in-chief from different journals which will share their vision about new emerging research topics on educational technology. The chair is Assoc. Prof. Igor Balaban, Ph.D. besides the moderator, prof. Balaban panellists are: prof. Wim Van Petegem, Ph.D. (Belgium), Prof. Josep M. Duart, Ph.D. (Spain), Prof. Denise Whitelock B.Sc. M.Ed Ph.D. and Prof. Alen Lovrenčić, Ph.D. (Croatia).

You can follow this panel on the link:

More information on the panel is available here.