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A week of teacher competence development was held at FOI

Created: 11.02.2022

In the week from February 7 to 11, 2022, a week of teacher competence development was held at FOI, during which seven workshops were held. The workshops covered the topics of innovative learning and teaching strategies that every teacher can apply to improve teaching in their subjects. The interest of the participants was extremely high, and the workshops were held face-to-face at the FOI and through a virtual room. The workshops were organized as part of three projects supported by FOI: DIP2Future, Rapide and Study4Career.

The topics covered in these workshops included practical aspects of learning design:

  • project based learning (Project Based Learning);
  • problem solving (Problem Based Learning);
  • learning through work (Work Based Learning) in cooperation with employers application of the Flipped Classroom method;
  • application of game elements in teaching (Game Based Learning);
  • inquiry based learning; learning in the laboratory (Lab Learning);
  • collaborative learning (Peer/Collaborative Learning) i teaching that encourages discussion (Instruction/Lecture Based Learning).

As part of the teacher competence development week, the following workshops were held with the associated learning outcomes:

Learning outcomes and learning design (workshop leaders: B. Divjak and B. Svetec)

During this workshop, the participants were supposed to write the learning outcomes for one course in the area of expertise and choose a suitable teaching strategy in accordance with the planned learning outcomes.

Problem and Project Based Learning (workshop leaders: B. Divjak, K. Pažur Aničić, B. Svetec)

The participants designed a project or problem assignment for students in accordance with the planned learning outcomes for the course in the field of expertise. In addition, they devised a learning design for WBL and a suitable teaching strategy in accordance with the planned learning outcomes.

Flipped Classroom and Inquiry Based Learning (workshop leaders: B. Divjak, P. Žugec and B. Svetec)

The participants designed a learning design in accordance with the flipped classroom strategy for a course in the field of expertise and designed a learning design and chose a suitable teaching strategy in accordance with the planned learning outcomes.

Learning in the laboratory - Laboratory Based Learning and gamification - Game Based Learning (workshop leaders: D. Šimić and N. Kadoić)

The task of this workshop was to design learning activities in the laboratory for a teaching topic from the field of expertise and to apply gamification in the teaching process.

Work based learning (workshop leaders: K. Pažur Aničić and B. Divjak)

The workshop was designed in such a way that the participants could come up with a learning design for WBL and choose a suitable teaching strategy in accordance with the planned learning outcomes. The workshop included the participation of Sonia Ferns, an expert from abroad.

Lectures with discussion - Instruction/Lecture Based Learning and peer/collaborative learning - Peer/Collaborative Learning (workshop leader: Mr. Hajdin)

The task of the participants was to identify the advantages and disadvantages of lecture classes with discussion and to research and compare collaborative and peer learning. The participants had to choose a suitable teaching strategy in accordance with the planned learning outcomes.

Tool for learning design and application of teaching strategies in the DIP2Future project (workshop leaders: D. Grabar and R. Mekovec)

The participants applied the learning design tool in accordance with the chosen learning and teaching strategy and learning outcomes from the area of expertise and thus chose a suitable teaching strategy.