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Time 4 Science predavanje održao Luis de-Marcos sa Sveučilišta u Alcali

Objavljeno: 17.04.2023
Novo Time 4 Science predavanje održao je prof. Luis de-Marcos sa Sveučilišta u Alcali, na temu: Unveiling scientific connections through editorial board interlocking: a graph analysis, u ponedjeljak, 17. travnja 2023. u Vijećnici FOI-ja. Više detalja pročitajte u nastavku.

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Research is a global enterprise underpinned by the general belief that findings need to be true to be considered scientific. In the complex system of scientific validation, editorial boards (EBs) play a fundamental role in guiding journals’ review process, which has led many stakeholders of sciences to metaphorically picture them as the “gatekeepers of knowledge.” Editorial Board Interlocking (EBI) is the cross-presence of EB members in different journals. We would analyze the interconnections within and between scientific fields of knowledge through EBI using graph analysis along the following lines:
1) Exploratory (Social network analysis) to investigate how 41 JCR (Journal Citation Report) journals in the field of communication are connected through EB interlocking.
2) Complex cross-disciplinary analysis of the geographical, gender, and institutional compositions of editorial boards, with a specific emphasis on within- and between-fields EBI. 281 journals of six disciplines: communication, psychology, political science, sociology, economics, and management.
3) Map the connection between fields of knowledge through EBI (>3,000 journals in 215 fields); visualize and empirically test the distance between social and general sciences; and to uncover the institutional structure (i.e., universities) that governs these connections.

Prof. Luis de-Marcos received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science and the Ph.D. degree in information, documentation, and knowledge in 2001, 2005, and 2009, respectively. He has been with the University of Alcalá since 2007 where he is now a full professor (2022-). He was Principal Investigator of the Research Team of the ProTego Project (H2020) on Cybersecurity (2019–2021), and was a Principal Investigator in two national research projects in Spain (2011–2013). He participated in the EU IAPP MC project Iceberg (2013-2017), in 2 Erasmus Intensive Programs (2009-2013) and 2 Erasmus+ Strategic Parnertship Projects (2014-17). He is a now member of the EU RISE uDevOps project (2020-2024) on microservice architectores. He was an Invited Research Fellow with Lund University, Sweden, in 2007 and 2009, the University of Reading, U.K., in 2008, the Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico, in 2010, and the University of Zagreb, Croatia, in 2018. Luis has over 160 refereed publications in conferences and journals. He has over 5000 citations in Google Scholar (H22), 2200 in Scopus (H14) and 1700 in Web of Science (H14). He received the "2019 IEEE Transactions on Education Theodore E. Batchman Best Paper Award"; awarded by the IEEE Education Society. He leads the research group on Information Technologies for Training and Knowledge of the University of Alcalá with 22 researchers. He is the director of the PhD Program on Information and Knowledge Engineering.