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FOI Welcome Week for international students – summer semester 2022/2023

FOI International Relations Office organizes a Welcome Week for international students who will study at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb in the summer semester 2022/23.

14.02.2023, 11:30
FOI participated in another Erasmus+ Combined Intensive Program (BIP) "Next-Level - Innovation for sustainability and inclusion"

The Faculty of Organization and Informatics has once again participated in Erasmus+ Combined Intensive Programs (BIP) under the name "Next-Level - Innovation for sustainability and inclusion" in Amsterdam. The lecturer from FOI was Martina Tomičić Furjan, and the students who participated and earned 5 ECTS from FOI were Jana Pučar, Klara Škaulj, Mateo Vujica and Benjamin Filip Šikač. Other partners involved in the implementation of the program, in addition to FOI, were Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands (coordinator), Karel de Grote University College, Antwerp, Belgium and Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart, Germany. Total of 37 students and 6 lecturers participated in the program.

Students shared their experiences from the first combined intensive BIP program

Faculty of Organization and Informatics was among the first faculties at the University of Zagreb, in the status of coordinator, that applied for and implemented the Erasmus+ blended intensive programme - BIP, called "Transform to sustain: Sustainable future enabled by digital transformation". In the video below,  first participating students shared their impressions.

FOI was among the first faculties at the University to organize a short intensive Erasmus program BIP in Split

Faculty of Organization and Informatics was a coordinator on a Erasmus+ Blended intensive program (BIP) „Transform to sustain: Sustainable future enabled by digital transformation“.

FOI International Days 2022
foi international days visual

At the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin, the traditional FOI International Days 2022 were held on May 26 and 27.

Join us at FOI International Days 2022

FOI International Days 2022 will be held from 26th to 27th May 2022 at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb. We are inviting all interested students, teachers, researchers, colleagues from international offices and other staff members at partner universities to join us in Varaždin.

FOI provides the opportunity to study and work for Ukrainian students and teachers affected by the war

Aware of the seriousness of the situation and the catastrophic consequences that have befallen the entire academic community in Ukraine, where normal work at universities has been disabled, the FOI has offered Ukrainian universities the opportunity for students to continue with their studies and for scientists and teachers to continue with their work.

FOI Welcome Week for international students

As an introduction to summer semester of the academic year 2021/22, FOI International Relations Office organizes a Welcome Week for international students who will study at FOI in the upcoming semester. Welcome Week will be held from 21st to 25th February 2022.

Join us at FOI International Days 2021

FOI International Days 2021 will be held from 20th to 21st May 2021 at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb. We are inviting all interested students, teachers, researchers, colleagues from international offices and other staff members at partner universities to join us virtually.

FOI Welcome Week for international students

As an introduction to summer semester of the academic year 2019/20, FOI International Relations Office organizes a Welcome Week for international students who will study at FOI in the upcoming semester. Welcome Week will be held from 24th to 28th February 2020.
