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Meet CECIIS 2022 sponsors
CECIIS sponsors

We are so grateful for the continued support of CECIIS conference to our long-term sponsors, as well as our new ones! They took this excellent opportunity to reach IT researchers, professionals and potential future employees and to receive other benefits through different sponsorship possibilities within CECIIS 2022.

FOI was among the first faculties at the University to organize a short intensive Erasmus program BIP in Split

Faculty of Organization and Informatics was a coordinator on a Erasmus+ Blended intensive program (BIP) „Transform to sustain: Sustainable future enabled by digital transformation“.

FOI has joined the UN Global Compact initiative

In June 2022, the Faculty of Organization and Informatics joined UN Global COMPACT - the largest and most important global initiative for sustainable development and corporate and institutional sustainability. The Global Compact initiative was launched in 2000 with the aim of introducing socially responsible business and today it is the largest such initiative that gathers more than 14,000 corporate stakeholders and more than 4,000 stakeholders of civil and non-governmental organizations from more than 140 countries around the world.

01.07.2022, 15:07
EDEN Research Workshop in Dubrovnik this September

EDEN’s 2022 Research Workshop entitled “Towards smart and inclusive learning ecosystem” focuses on improved learning environments that drive the digital transformation of educational institutions. The workshop will be held within CECIIS 2022 conference in Dubrovnik from 19th to 20th of September.

FOI International Days 2022
foi international days visual

At the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin, the traditional FOI International Days 2022 were held on May 26 and 27.

eDESK project meeting to be held at FOI in Varaždin

Since March 2021 FOI has been working with partners from Finland, Spain and Portugal on the design and development of an innovative hybrid teaching methodology in HEIs to improve the skills of higher education teachers and to offer them resources and tools for further teaching.

Erasmus+ BEE with APEX project meeting held at FOI

On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th May 2022. project partner meeting was held for Erasmus+ project BEE with APEX Better Employability for Everyone with APEX.

Join us at FOI International Days 2022

FOI International Days 2022 will be held from 26th to 27th May 2022 at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb. We are inviting all interested students, teachers, researchers, colleagues from international offices and other staff members at partner universities to join us in Varaždin.

RAPIDE project: hybrid consortium meeting and LTT3 activity held

On April 27th -29th , 2022 the Faculty of organization and informatics participated in the partners meeting and LTT3 activity on the project RAPIDE.

Project IC4HEDS - Certificates awarded to the students

On Thursday, 31st March 2022, last activity of the IC4HEDS project - Intensive Courses for Higher Education Students, was held at Faculty hall at Faculty of Organization and Informatics. The event regarding certification awards was held for students who successfully participated in intensive learning course programs about Digital transformation and Industry 4.0. Students were awarded with 2 ECTS points for each program. 
