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FOI International Days 2022

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At the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin, the traditional FOI International Days 2022 were held on May 26 and 27.

FOI International Days 2022 were held in contact, and the program was divided into two days.

The first and main day of the event, May 26, 2022, began with a presentation by Vesna Kotarski, Head of the Office for EU Projects of the University of Zagreb, "EU supported activities - competitive landscape in education / research / innovation", followed by the presentations of several partner universities: University of Aegean by Asst. Prof. Dr. Charalampos Alexopoulos, University of Žilina by Assoc. Prof. Ing., Peter Márton, Ph.D.,University of Belgrade by Full Prof. Sandra Jednak, Ph.D., and Bojana Ivanović Bovan, and Ss. Cyril and Methodus University by Dr. Vesna Dimitrievska.

In the second part of the program, a panel discussion entitled "How to foster internalization through short intensive programs - Covid related experiences and post-Covid opportunities" was held. Participants in the panel discussion were Gloria Fuertes from ESIEA, Prof. Alexopoulos, Prof. Marton, Asst. Prof. Martina Tomičić Furjan, Ph.D., and our vice-dean, Assoc. dr. sc. Igor Balaban. The rest of the day was reserved for socializing and networking.

The second day, May 27, 2022, was dedicated primarily to FOI students, but the event was open to teachers and other guests too.

As part of the program, FOI students who participated in Erasmus mobility shared their experiences and presented selected partner universities. The goal was to introduce them to international exchange, study visits, and blended intensive programmes (BIP). Students had the opportunity to hear inspiring stories from our Erasmus students who were, or currently are, on Erasmus mobility.

A big thank you to all participants and guests. Until the next year! 

See the photo gallery below.