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FOI has joined the UN Global Compact initiative

Created: 01.07.2022

In June 2022, the Faculty of Organization and Informatics joined UN Global COMPACT - the largest and most important global initiative for sustainable development and corporate and institutional sustainability. The Global Compact initiative was launched in 2000 with the aim of introducing socially responsible business and today it is the largest such initiative that gathers more than 14,000 corporate stakeholders and more than 4,000 stakeholders of civil and non-governmental organizations from more than 140 countries around the world.

As part of the Global Compact initiative, FOI has committed to support the principles of the initiative in the areas of human rights, workers' rights, the environment and the fight against corruption, and every two years it will submit a report to the UN initiative on concrete support for the principles of the Global Compact, and the reports will be made public published on the FOI website.

Joining the Global Compact initiative is a step towards further improving the socially responsible business of the faculty, and the dean of FOI, prof. Ph.D. Nina Begičević Ređep sent a letter to Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, pledging to support transparent business and adhere to the principles of the Global Compact initiative.

By joining this largest and most important global initiative for sustainable development and sustainability, FOI has committed itself to respect these ten principles of sustainability of the initiative:

Human rights

Principle 1:

Companies should respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights.

Principle 2:

Companies must not participate in the violation of human rights.


Principle 3:

Companies should support freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

Principle 4:

Companies should support the abolition of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.

Principle 5:

Companies should support the real abolition of child labor.

Principle 6:

Companies should support the real abolition of discrimination in employment and career choice.


Principle 7:

Companies should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.

Principle 8:

Companies should launch initiatives aimed at promoting greater environmental responsibility.

Principle 9:

Companies should encourage the development and spread of environmentally friendly technologies.


Principle 10:

Companies should work to combat corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery.

By joining this initiative that operates under the auspices of the UN, FOI commits itself to responsibility and sustainability, which become a binding basis for further practical action in the academic and public sector.

More information on the UN Global Compact initiative can be found here, and read the FOI commitment letter here.