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Preparation for the EFMD accreditation: two workshops held at FOI

The workshops "Internationalization" and "Ethics, responsibility and sustainability" were held as a part of the preparation for the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) accreditation of the graduate study programme Economics of Entrepreneurship, on May 15, 2023 at FOI.

16.05.2023, 15:07
Invitation to join FOI International Days 2023

With pleasure, we announce the jubilee 15th edition of FOI International Days which will be held in Varaždin, Croatia at the premises of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, from May 10 to 12, 2023, and invite you to join us!

WAI4PwDs – Final project results and outcomes

Read the final project results and outcomes for the Europe for Citizens Project “WAI4PwDs- Web Accessibility and Other Initiatives for Persons with Disabilities in EU in Pandemic and other Crisis Times”.


New graduate study “LogisTics And mobiLity ManagEmeNT – TALENT”

The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb starts the new study program in English language, “LogisTics And mobiLity ManagEmeNT – TALENT” in cooperation with The Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb. Read more info below.

Best researches in learning analytics gathered at the LAK23 conference in Texas

The world's largest conference on learning analytics conference "LAK23 - Learning Analytics and Knowledge" is currently being held at the University of Texas (Arlington) from March 13 to 17, 2023, with more than 500 participants from around of the world. Full Prof. Blaženka Divjak, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics is one of the participants and her role is extremely visible and rich, considering that as a recognized top expert in the use and research of learning analytics, she is involved in numerous activities that follow such world conferences.

17.03.2023, 15:48
WeRin: The importance of women in entrepreneurship

March 8th, International Women's Day, provides an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of women in entrepreneurship. An inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem provides a vehicle for empowering women to start an entrepreneurship venture. The WeRin project consortium, of which FOI is a part, has been working to make entrepreneurship education and support programmes more inclusive for women for two years now, with the aim of increasing the share of female graduate entrepreneurs.

Experts from eminent European universities at FOI on the focus group of the research project HELA

On Wednesday and Thursday, 1-2 March 2023, at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb (FOI), a work meeting, focus group and research workshop of the project "HELA – Improving HEI maturity to implement learning analytics" were held, led by Full Prof. Nina Begičević Ređep, Ph.D. and Full Prof. Diana Šimić, Ph.D., with 6 experts in the field of learning analytics, from eminent European universities - Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven and the University Computing Centre (SRCE).

Erasmus+ project CUTIE - Competences for Universities using Technology in education and Institutional Empowerment kickoff meeting held in Spain

University of Murica hosted the kickoff meeting for the Erasmus+ project CUTIE - Competences for Universities using Technology in education and Institutional Empowerment in Spain from 15th to 17th February 2023.
