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Preparation for the EFMD accreditation: two workshops held at FOI

Created: 16.05.2023

The workshops "Internationalization" and "Ethics, responsibility and sustainability" were held as a part of the preparation for the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) accreditation of the graduate study programme Economics of Entrepreneurship, on May 15, 2023 at FOI.

At the workshops, the participants were informed about the topics that make the transversal aspects of the EFMD accreditation of the study program and had the opportunity to exchange and discuss examples of good practice as well as possible improvements related to internationalization and ethics, responsibility and sustainability in their courses.

The workshops, led by Full Prof. Valentina Kirinić, Ph.D., were prepared by the Commission for the implementation of the process of obtaining the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) international accreditation.