EFMD accreditation: Workshop "Intended Learning Outcomes and constructive alignment: improvement of graduate study programme Economics of Entrepreneurship in the EFMD context" part II held
The second part of workshop Ishodi učenja kolegija i konstruktivno poravnanje: unapređenje diplomskog studija Ekonomika poduzetništva u kontekstu EFMD akreditacije (Intended Learning Outcomes and constructive alignment: improvement of graduate study Economics of Entrepreneurship in the EFMD context) was held for the teachers as a part of the preparation for the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) accreditation of the graduate study programme Economics of Entrepreneurship on December 8, 2023 at FOI.
The workshop, led by Assoc. Prof. Goran Hajdin, Ph. D., was yet another step of how to align ILO’s of the UNIZG FOI’s graduate study programme Economics of Entrepreneurship with the EFMD Accredited Standards and Criteria. Resources that were shown and presented to the teachers were referring to shaping of ILO’s in the way to achieve better outcomes for students, all of which was produced from general discussion of participants on the topic. ILO’s of the mentioned programme and all of its courses were also analysed and teachers gave their insights and recommendations for further improvement.