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Eleven young researches on this year's CECIIS Student Poster and Presentation section

Created: 13.09.2022

This year's Student Section, organized within the CECIIS 2022 international conference, will gather 11 young researchers. The Student Section will be held on the first conference day, Wednesday, September 21st from 02:00 - 06:00 pm. The topics of their research are not only related to the use of information and communication technology, but also to a wide range of interdisciplinary areas.

The traditional Student Section is an integral part of the CECIIS conference and is being held for the 12th year in a row. The leaders of the section are Full Prof. Violeta Vidaček Hainš, Ph.D. and Prof. Victoria Appatova, Ph.D.  from the partner University of Cincinnati from Ohio in the United States of America. In the CECIIS Student Online Section, motivated students gather to present and exchange experiences of their own interdisciplinary research work related to practice in the use of digital technologies.

The whole conference agenda is available here.