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Time 4 Science - predavanje Roberta McKenzieja

U okviru projekta Time 4 Science u organizaciji Fakulteta orgranizacije i informatike, u utorak 7. svibnja, u Vijećnici FOI-ja predavanje je održao urednik i predavač Robert McKenzie. Na predavanju pod nazivom "Academic Writing: A Brief Overview”, studentima i profesorima FOI-ja McKenzie je prenio svoje znanje i iskustvo s ciljem usavršavanja akademskog pisanja.

Title: Academic Writing: A Brief Overview

The lecture included:

1. A quick overview on the basics of academic writing

2. How to write an abstract

3. The formula for writing and developing a topic

4. The organization of academic writing

     a. Writing an introduction

     b. Writing a conclusion

5. Transition types

6. Most frequently seen punctuation/usage problems (Dos and Don’ts)

Short CV:

Robert McKenzie first worked as an editor at Garland Publishing (Taylor & Francis) in New York City, while studying for his master's degree at Columbia University. He was responsible for acquiring and developing book titles in both business and the social sciences. For the last 20 years, he has worked to develop his company that provides language services including translation, editing, proofreading, and copywriting to European Big Science agencies, governmental organizations, advertising agencies, and university professors from 10 faculties at the University of Ljubljana. In addition, he has taught academic writing and advanced English at the Economics and Mechanical Engineering faculties. Also a lifelong musician, he toured 14 countries in Europe as "John" in the Beatles tribute group called HELP! A Beatles Tribute.