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Graz International Summer School Seggau 2015

Sveučilište u Grazu i ove akademske godine organizira ljetnu školu u dvorcu Seggau u Leibnitzu u Austriji pod nazivom "Shifting Perspectives: Europe and the Americas". Ljetna škola održat će se od 28. lipnja do 11. srpnja 2015. godine. Rok za prijave je 28. veljače 2015.

Focusing on the emphasis areas of the University of Graz – South Eastern Europe and North, Central and South America – the summer school will take place from June 28th to July 11th, 2011 at Seggau Castle in Styria, in the wine region close to the Slovene border.  Emphasizing on the aspects of shifting perspectives, transformation processes and demographic change, interdisciplinary morning lectures will provide the context for the seven specialized seminar workshops in the afternoon. The Graz International Summer School Seggau is designed for internationally oriented, highly motivated students from all disciplines, who wish to deepen their understanding of current European and International affairs by studying and discussing global developments and challenges in terms of shifting perspectives reflecting aspects of individual, social, political, religious, cultural, literary, regional, economic, cohort and national identities.

Na internetskim stranicama škole može se pronaći više informacija, kao i uvjete prijave: INFORMACIJE I UVJETI PRIJAVE 

Dostupno je više oblika stipendija, a više informacija o tome možete pronaći OVDJE.
