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Gostujuće predavanje prof. Nenada Jukića iz SAD-a

Objavljeno: 31.05.2024

U srijedu, 5. lipnja 2024. u 16:00 sati (FOI 1, D1) na kolegiju Baze podataka predavanje će održati profesor Nenad Jukić sa Sveučilišta Loyola u Chicagu, SAD. Radi se o jednom od najrelevantnijih autora u području baza podataka i skladišta podataka, a njegova se litetarura i alati za modeliranje baza podataka koriste i u nastavi na FOI-ju. Kratku biografiju profesora pročitajte u nastavku.


Dr. Jukić has been teaching undergraduate, graduate, and executive and professional education classes at the Quinlan School of Business since 1999 in the areas of databases, data warehousing, business intelligence, computer programming, business computer applications, and health care information systems. Dr. Jukić was named Loyola’s Faculty Member of the Year in 2014. He was also named Quinlan’s Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher of the Year for 2014, and has twice been recognized as Quinlan’s top researcher. Dr. Jukić conducts research in various information management–related areas, including database modeling and management, data warehousing, business intelligence, data mining, business analytics, Big Data, e-business, and IT strategy.