Suradnja FOI-a i Mid Sweden sveučilišta traje već tri godine te se zaredalo nekoliko uzjamnih posjeta nastavnika u oba smjera. U međuvremenu je potpisan i Erasmus ugovor za studentsku razmjenu između Fakulteta organizacije i informatike i Sveučilišta Mid Sweden kojime su otvorene mogućnosti za odlazak studenata na studiju Švedsku.
Tijekom 10-tak dana boravka u Varaždinu, gošće su održale prezentacije i razgovarale sa studentima i asistentima FOI-a, posjetile su nekoliko objekata Dječjeg vrtića „Varaždin“, prisustvovale su satu likovne kulture u 2. osnovnoj školi Varaždin, posjetile su Školu animiranog filma. U slobodno vrijeme su obišle Varaždin i sve njegove znamenitosti te Trakošćan, Zagreb i Međimurje.
Bile su impresionirane svime što su vidjele i njihove dojmove u cijelosti donosimo u intervjuu:
1. Can you tell us your impressions and experiences that you have with the Faculty of the Organization and Informatics Varaždin, please?
We were received in an extremely friendly and professional way, with a packed and interesting agenda for our stay in Varaždin. There was a lot of organizational planning done in advance which meant everything worked perfectly and we always knew who to ask if we had any questions - Izabela in the International Office!
Perhaps the single most important reflection is to emphasize how wonderful it felt to be taken care of and welcomed by colleagues who knew who we were, what we looked like and why we had come. We understand that everyone we met had volunteered for various activities, which meant that we were met with smiles and genuine interest, by both staff and students. It has been a very fruitful visit on so many levels, professional and also personal, something we are very grateful to have experienced.
2. Can you find any similarities and differences between Croatian and Sweden system of Higher education?
We have only been in Croatia a little over a week and our impressions are superficial, but there seem to be some clear differences. In the Swedish system it is common to study at a distance from the campus, often being on campus one week in four. In Varaždin students are on campus more, and certainly have classes for longer. In Mid Sweden University we rarely have evening sessions, but it seems to be quite common in Croatia that staff and students work from 7 till 9 at night!
There are many modular courses in our system, where credits are earned for modules, so even if the student leaves the programme they have something to show for their work. Examinations are conducted in many different ways, something which interested staff and students in Varaždin was the portfolio method which we art teachers use in our courses. The student documents and reflects on everything done in the course, and during their home assignments. They produce their portfolio in pictures and in writing, and combine their own thoughts with their course books and other sources. This means they are working towards their grade all the way through he course and do not have an exam at the end. They exchange portfolios with other students and give comments in writing. Then the work plus the comments is submitted to the teachers for grading. It is seen as a fair and reasonable way to judge the progress of a student, and our students love having concrete evidence of what they have done on the course - they can also use it in job interviews to show their skills.
The funding of studies is also rather different with the majority of Swedish students taking a government study loan which is paid back over a long period, once the graduate is in paid work. However, student accommodation is much cheaper in Croatia, as is food for students - there is really nothing like that in Sweden! Students are somewhat older when they begin studying in Sweden, so there is more variety in the age of students.
3. You have a lot of experiences with the treeing of the preschool teachers in Sweden. What do you think about the creative art in preschools in Varaždin?
We have been overwhelmed by the fantastic quality of the creative work we have seen in preschool in Varaždin! With limited facilities and limited funds the preschool teachers are working wonders with the childrens' visual and creative development. We have rarely seen such impressive work! The childrens' way of working shows us how the teachers must have been guiding and encouraging the children to see and expand their perceptions of the world around them. This is in a very real sense the foundation of all learning.
We saw much evidence of analysis, exploration, experimentation and encouragement. This would not be possible without the highly professional, reflective and caring attention of the teachers. We are already preparing slide shows to show our student teachers and stimulate discussion on what facilities you need to be able to work in this way. Many believe it is the building that makes the preschool, and while it is always important to have good facilities and enough funding to work appropriately, it is the quality of the teaching staff that makes the preschool what it is. Varaždin has much to be proud of and we hope to continue the contact made with the preschools we visited.
4. How would you like to continue the collaboration with the Faculty of Organization and Informatics?
We have several colleagues in Mid Sweden University who can now make useful contacts with colleagues in Varaždin, something we will initiate on our return. These range from teachers of English and visual art, through preschool researchers to IT technicians and teachers, and to project groups working internationally. There is not really an exact match between the Department of Education in Härnösand and the faculty in Varaždin, and we believe this is what has made our stay so exciting and inspiring. The meetings we have had with forward thinking colleagues have given us plenty to think about and work with. The next step is to go home, digest all the impressions and start making more concrete contacts which can lead to firm plans in the future. Both departments are used to using the Internet to keep in touch and the distance should not be a problem for us. We would love to have the opportunity to host colleagues from the faculty and feel certain this is not our last contact with Croatia, Varaždin and the Faculty of Organization and Informatics.