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Predavanje prof. dr. sc. Dunje Mladenić

Objavljeno: 10.09.2020

U okviru kolegija doktorskog studija Odabrana poglavlja primjene informacijske tehnologije u petak, 11. rujna 2020. godine u 14:00 sati održat će se predavanje prof. dr. sc. Dunje Mladenić na temu "Cross - lingual Data Analysis". Predavanje će se održati na hrvatskom jeziku i možete mu se pridružiti preko sustava Zoom na linku (Meeting ID: 814 8576 0523, Passcode: 079785). 

Prof. Dr. Dunja Mladenić works as a researcher and a project manager at J. Stefan Institute, leading Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and teaching at J. Stefan International Postgraduate School. She is an expert on study and development of Machine Learning, Data/Text Mining, Semantic Technology techniques and their application on real-world problems. She is associated with the J. Stefan Institute since 1987. She got her MSc and PhD in Computer Science at University of Ljubljana in 1995 and 1998 respectively. She was a visiting researcher at School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA in 1996-1997 and in 2000-2001. Dunja Mladenić has experience in coordinating EU projects and acting on management board of several European research and development projects. She was a program co-chair of ECML 2007, a general chair of ECMLPKDD 2009. She is a co-inventor on a patent application with Cycorp Inc., USA.

Dunja Mladenic is the Slovenian representative in EC Enwise STRATA ETAN Expert Group ”Promoting women scientists from the Central and Eastern European countries and the Baltic States to produce gender equality in science in the wider Europe”. She serves as project evaluator of project proposals for EC programme on Information and Society Technology (IST). In 2001, she was evaluator of project proposals for National Science Foundation (NSF) initiative on Information Technology Research (ITR), NSF 00-126, USA. She has published papers in refereed journals and conferences, co-editor of several books, served in the program committee of international conferences and organized international events in the area of Text Mining, Link Analysis and Data Mining.

She is co-editor of several books including “Data Mining and Decision Support: Integration and Collaboration”, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003, “Semantic Knowledge Management: Integrating Ontology Management, Knowledge Discovery, and Human Language Technologies” Springer 2008, “Web Mining: from Web to Semantic Web”, Springer 2004, “Semantics, Web and Mining” Springer 2006, “From Web to social Web: discovering and deploying user and content profiles”, Springer 2007, “Knowledge Discovery Enhanced with Semantic and Social Information”, Springer 2009, Semantic Knowledge Management: Integrating Ontology Management, Knowledge Discovery, and Human Language Technologies, Springer 2009.