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Online Kick off meeting held for project OOP4FUN

Created: 21.01.2022

On Wednesday, January 20th and Thursday, January 21st 2022, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ KA220-SCH - project titled OOP4FUN - Object Oriented Programming for Fun was held. The meeting was organized online and hosted by the project coordinator, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Žilina. This 32-month project started on January 16th 2022 and it’s funded under the Erasmus + program “Cooperation partnerships in school education” of the European Commission in the total amount of 283.228,00 euros.

The main project idea is to support secondary schools’ teachers of programming courses in their mission of IT education, independently if their students will be the IT experts with HEI education in the future or experts in other fields. Therefore the goals of this project are to create new or upgraded curricula for IT courses and innovative teaching method that includes implementation of agile methods, communication skills, and teamwork, to teach the high school educators how to implement a new curriculum through educational workshops and other educational activities and to develop teaching and learning object oriented programming through game development as a way of motivating both male and female students to work in a team project and increase their interest in object oriented programming and STEM in general.

The partners of this project include the leading European universities in the field of informatics/computer science and high schools: University of Žilina, University of Zagreb Faculty of organization and informatics, University of Pardubice, University of Beograd, High school Ivanec, Gymnazium Pardubice, Obchodna akademia, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, Gimnazija Ivanjica and Gymnasium Dresden-Plauen.

During the project, the partners will jointly work on 5 main project results and will start by creating an analysis of current state & identification of gaps in (teaching) programming in high schools and Universities, coordinated by High school Ivanec.

Project coordinator on Faculty of organization and informatics is Assoc. Prof. Zlatko Stapić, Ph. D., and project team members are Assoc. Prof. Dijana Plantak Vukovac, Ph. D., Asst.Prof. Goran Hajdin, Ph.D.,
Marko Mijač, Ph.D., Antonela Čižmešija, M.Inf. and Lana Škvorc, MSc

More information on expected results, activities, events, materials and partners involved will be available on the official project website (in progress: and Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn of the project.