The Open Doors Program will begin by gathering in front of the Faculty building (FOI 1, Pavlinska ulica 2, Varaždin) and will continue by giving lectures and presentations of faculty centers and student associations (Student Choir, STAK, BusinessClub @ foi). Pupils will find all the necessary information on study programs (IT and economics) and enrollment requirements, as well as many extracurricular activities that will be included as FOI students, thus expanding their perspectives and creativity and gaining experiences that can help them later employment. As part of the program, a gadget show will be held during which students will be able to learn more about the technological tools and innovations used in IT labs and projects and it will be possible to try new technologies and participate in entertaining competitions. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to look around at FOI and visit the library as well as the Faculty labs.
For more information or for an appointment, you can contact us at the e-mail address or at 00385951809982 (Natalija Copak). Arrival must be announced no later than April 04, 2019.
Follow the details at our FB event.
We look forward to welcoming you!