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Created: 05.10.2018

The 29th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2018) was traditionally held at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin in the period from 19th to 21st September 2018. This year special emphasis of the conference was digital transformation.

This year, opening and welcome speeches were held by the assistant minister of science and education, Mrs Lidija Kralj, Mr Zlatan Avar, deputy mayor of city of Varaždin, Professor Neven Vrček, dean of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics and Professor Vjeran Strahonja, CECIIS Programme Committee Chair.

Invited lectures were held by two well-known European researchers, Professor Dimitris Karagiannis, Head of Research Group Knowledge Engineering at the University of Vienna held a lecture on impact of digitization on industry from a research perspective and Professor Dieter Hertweck, The Herman Hollerith Center (HHZ) of the Reutlingen University talked about digital transformation in the manufacturing sector.

During three days of conference, researchers and experts from 10 different countries presented their papers.

The same as previous years, alongside conference sessions, important part of CECIIS conference were various parallel events and tracks: e-Schools Day, Computer Games - Professional Development, workshop on dana analysis, presentation of FOI national and international projects (e-Schools, DIGITRANS, CRISS, HigherDecision, ISSES), student poster and presentation section and HigherDecision project presentations.

CECIIS 2018 was organized by the Faculty of Organization and Informatics of the University of Zagreb, with sponsorship from company Infodom d.o.o. (golden sponsor) and Oracle Croatia d.o.o. (silver sponsor) and support of Ministry of Science and Education and Varaždin County.

CECIIS conference, held annually, promotes researchers involved in the development and application of methods and techniques in the field of information and intelligent systems. The Conference provides its participants with the opportunity to present their papers to conference audiences. Even more importantly, authors can publish their original research papers in the Conference Proceedings. Proceedings are indexed in: INSPEC, ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection, ProQuest Technology Collection, and ProQuest Adavanced Technologies & Aerospace Database.

Since 2000, a selection of papers, each of which is reviewed by two international reviewers, have been published in The Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences (JIOS), a scientific journal published twice a year (as a double volume). It is worthwhile mentioning that, as of 2010, JIOS has been included into Scopus and EBSCO databases.

More information about CECIIS conference and parallel events is available on official CECIIS web page.

Photo Gallery - Day 1

Photo Gallery - Day 2

Photo Gallery - Day 3