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FOI International Days 2019

At the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, FOI International Days 2019 were held, bringing together about 300 participants, domestic and foreign students and visiting lecturers from universities all over the world.

20.05.2019, 15:18
CECIIS 2019 - propose your events

We invite all companies and private and state bodies, umbrella organizations and similar national and international organizations to contact us via to propose desired events they want to perform within CECIIS 2019!

12.04.2019, 16:33
FOI students visited FON in Belgrade

Forty students and six staff members of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics participated in the 2nd study visit to Faculty of Organizational Sciences (University of Belgrade), which was held from 23 to 25 March 2019.

Open Door Day at FOI

On Tuesday, April 9, 2019, Faculty of Organization and Informatics opens the door to all interested students and future students to see what a common day for a student at FOI looks like. The Faculty door will be open to all interested visitors from 10am to 1pm.

The Official Ceremony to mark the beginning of AMED project

The Official Ceremony to mark the beginning of AMED project is held at The Maldives National University with the presence of all project partner representatives, national media, deans and University staff.

26.03.2019, 12:09
Welcome Week for international students

FOI International Relations Office organized a Welcome Week from 5th to 9th March 2019 for international students from several European partner universities, that are studying at FOI during the summer semester of 2018/19.

28.02.2019, 15:26
Development of a digital business model for SMEs through DIGITRANS methodology

In Zagreb, in the headquarters of KONČAR Elektroindustrija d.d. on February 27, 2019, organized by the Association of Croatian Exporters and the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, a workshop on Development of a digital business model for SMEs through DIGITRANS methodology intended for entrepreneurs and others involved in making strategic business decisions was held.

28.02.2019, 14:36
17th Doctoral Students' Workshop at FOI

On Friday March 1, 2019 Faculty of Organization and Informatics will organize the 17th Doctoral Students' Workshop.

27.02.2019, 10:06
Digitrans's methodology presented at the Digital Transformation Workshop as a lever to increase competitiveness and export

In Zagreb, on January 24, 2019, Digital Transformation Workshop was held as a lever for increasing competitiveness and exports for export-oriented companies and people involved in strategic business decisions, future Digital Transformation Officers and all those who are in charge of designing new products.

29.01.2019, 09:28

The 29th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2018) was traditionally held at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin in the period from 19th to 21st September 2018. This year special emphasis of the conference was digital transformation.

05.10.2018, 10:30
