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On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, the kick-off meeting of the international strategic project in higher education titled TEACH4EDU4 - Accelerating the transition to Edu 4.0 in HEIs was held by the project coordinator - the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) of the University of Zagreb. The 30-month project is funded under the Erasmus + program of the European Commission in the total amount of 296,845.00 euros.

09.12.2020, 10:11
Start of new Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership led by FOI UNIZG

Faculty of Organization and Informatics of the University of Zagreb is a leading institution in the international project „Accelerating the transition towards Edu 4.0 in HEIs“ (TEACH4EDU4) which will be financed from Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education (Key Action 203).

Project TEACH4EDU4 will start in November 2020, and the duration is 30 months (until May 2023). Total project budget is 296.845,00 EUR.

29.10.2020, 18:08