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Visit to the University Zwickau

Created: 05.02.2019

The rectors of Kyrgyz and European partner universities visited University Zwickau from 21, January until 25 January 2019.

The goal of the visit was to evaluate the state of the art of the project implementation in the last five months and plan the future activities. Since 2015 the consortium of seven Kyrgyz and three European universities are working on development of study programme in Biomedical Engineering and Health Care Management. Their joint efforts are directed towards the health system in Kyrgyzstan, which benefits from the new programme where approx. 120 students are currently enrolled. The participants of the meeting were offered study visits to Hospital Heinrich-Braun-Klinikum Zwickau, Applied center for optical metrology and surface technology Fraunhofer - AZOM and biomedical laboratories of University Zwickau. It was aimed to familiarize with the health sector of Germany and to introduce them to the methods of information management of hospitals and medical institutions in Germany. Prof. Frank Grimm, project coordinator,  informed the partners that at the end of 2018, the KyrMedu consortium applied for credit mobilities in Erasmus+; if approved, all higher education partners are invited to use these opportunities. And this means internships for both teachers and students. The project will finish with its activities in April, 2019 but the whole consortium expressed their willingens to continue this successful cooperation.

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