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Two academic panels at CECIIS 2020

Created: 02.10.2020

Dear CECIIS 2020 participants, we are glad to inform you that, as part of this year's conference program, two academic panels will be held - on first and second day of conference. Panels will be held online and will be open to all interested participants. Read more below.

FIRST PANEL "O_HAI4Games -Orchestration of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Methods for Computer Games"

On the first conference day, Wednesday, October 7th, first panel "O_HAI4Games -Orchestration of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Methods for Computer Games" will be held by chair Assoc. Prof. Markus Schatten, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, starting 14:00 pm (till 15:30 pm). Besides the moderator, panellists are: Vicente Julian Inglada from Valencia University of Technology (Spain), Carlos Carrascosa Casamayor from Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), Jaime Andres Rincon Arango from Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) and Glenn Smith from University of South Florida (USA).


Hybrid artificial intelligence methods, which can be defined as the orchestration of complementary heterogeneous both symbolic and statistical AI methods to acquire more precise results, are omnipresent in contemporary scientific literature. Still, the methodology of developing such systems is in most cases ad-hoc and depends from project to project. Computer games have always been connected to the development of AI. From the earliest chess minmax algorithm by Claude Shannon in 1949 to the more recent AlphaGo in 2015, computer games provide an ideal testing environment for AI methods. Similarly, AI has always been an important part of computer games, which have often been judged by the quality of their AI and praised if they used an innovative approach. Computer games allow us to test AI methods, not only for fun and leisure, but also for numerous other fields of human activity through the fields of serious games and gamification. The panel will discuss contemporary findings of the O_HAI ➃ Games project sponsored by the Croatian Science Foundation which aims to establish a new framework for the orchestration of hybrid artificial intelligence methods with a special application to computer games.

O_HAI 4 Games

You can follow the panel discussion at this link:

Topic: Academic Panel: O_HAI 4 Games - Orchestration of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Methods for Computer Games
Time: Oct 7, 2020 02:00 PM Sarajevo, Skopje, Zagreb
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SECOND PANEL "Universities of the Future"

On second conference day, Thursday, October 8th, second panel "Universities of the Future" will be held by chair Prof. Blaženka Divjak, Ph.D. from Faculty of Organization and Informatics, starting 14:00 pm (till 15:30 pm). Besides the moderator, professor Blaženka Divjak, panellists are: Ivica Crnković from Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Lourdes Guàrdia from Open University of Catalonia (Spain), Mladen Vouk from North Carolina State University (USA) and Enrique Mu from Carlow University (USA).


In the last few months, many universities have transitioned at speed to remote learning and teaching as well as digital transformation in general. The transition is present at various levels, institutional, societal and political, and the pandemic crisis is accelerating certain aspects of these developments. The transition brought positive and negative effects but also a once-in-a century opportunity to re-think the system and practices in a way that prepares institutions not only to survive but to succeed. We would like to discuss how to seize this opportunity on different levels and share visions of different universities of the future.


What are the positive aspects of digital transformation of universities?

How to mobilize and best engage with the students in post-pandemic era?

How to generate a sense of community and collaboration in online environment?

What are different ways of maximizing the impact of distance learning on face to face teaching and learning?

How to preserve the quality of learning while studying remotely?

How to ensure equal opportunities and the fairness of exams taken online?

Are all students today ‘digitally native’? What about teachers?

What is your vision of the universities of the future?


You can follow the panel discussion at this link:

Topic: Academic Panel: Universities of the Future
Time: Oct 8, 2020 02:00 PM Sarajevo, Skopje, Zagreb
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