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Study Visit of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kuntal Bhattacharyya from Indiana State University Scott College of Business to the Faculty of Organization and Informatics

Associate Professor Kuntal Bhattacharyya, Ph.D. from Indiana State University Scott College of Business has recently completed an extensive study visit to the University of Zagreb, the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI), within the framework of a bilateral agreement between Indiana State University and the University of Zagreb.

The schedule of the visit was filled with informative engagements promoting academic and cultural exchange between the two institutions, including meetings with Faculty members and professional service staff, cultural events, and visits to prominent Croatian companies.

The visit commenced with a meeting with representatives of SICK Mobilisis d.o.o., where Professor Bhattacharyya engaged in discussions with CEO Goran Kanižaj and explored topics related to human resources management with Etelka Kožar. Following this theme, Professor Bhattacharyya delivered a lecture at FOI, providing valuable insights into the complexities of careers in the supply chain. The invited lecture, titled "Choosing an entry-level supply chain career - a candidate's dilemma, a recruiter's plight" was presented to students as part of the Human Resources Management Strategy course, led by Full Prof. Marina Klačmer Čalopa, Ph.D., Full Prof. Violeta Vidaček Hainš, Ph.D. and Assistant Karolina Kokot, M. Econ.

The Professor was also hosted by the Dean of FOI, Full Prof. Marina Klačmer Čalopa, Ph.D., along with key faculty members, fostering discussions about potential future research collaborations. Additional talks with FOI representatives, Full Prof. Nina Begičević Ređep, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Kovšca, Ph.D., Full Prof. Igor Balaban, Ph.D., as well as the Vice Dean for Science, Projects, and International Cooperation, Assoc. Prof. Martina Tomičić Furjan, Ph.D. and the Head of the FOI International Relations Office, Izabela Oletić Tušek, univ. spec. pol., further enriched the collaborative potential between the two institutions. It is important to highlight a research meeting at Ducal d.o.o. Calzedonia, underscoring the importance of connecting the academic and industrial sectors.

Throughout his stay, the professor traveled to Zagreb to visit the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Zagreb, combining academic duties with exploring the cultural sights of Zagreb. The visit to Trakošćan Castle allowed the professor to glimpse a fragment of Croatian heritage, along with exploring the Varaždin City Museum and the Museum of Angels.

The entire visit was organized by Full Prof. Violeta Vidaček Hainš, Ph.D. with the support of the FOI International Cooperation Office staff. Significant contributions to the organization were made by assistants Ivana Đunđek, Ph.D., Karolina Kokot, M. Econ., Ivana Fojs, M. Econ., Antonela Čižmešija, M. Inf., Maja Kućar, M. Psych., and professional associate of the FIO Martina Đuras Sekovanić, M. Econ., as well as students Maja Vučković, Franjo Trojko, Lucija Martonko, Jana Kusar and Petra Ljubić.

This significant visit, organized within the framework of a bilateral agreement between Indiana State University and the University of Zagreb, not only strengthened academic ties but also laid the groundwork for possible future collaborations and research initiatives!