Laboratory for Strategic Planning and Decision Making - Head Department of Organization Department of Quantitative Methods - Associate member
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Title of qualification awarded
PhD in Information science (
Doctoral thesis: Strategic planning of e-learning implementation using multi-criteria decision making models
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Title of qualification awarded
University of Zagreb, Faculty of organization and informatics, Varazdin (Croatia)
Title of qualification awarded
B.Sc. in Information science
Work experience
Date (from – until)
Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Associate Professor, Dean
Work field
Decision Theory, Business Decision making
Date (from – until)
Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Associate Professor, Vicedean for Scientific Research
Work field
Decision Theory, Business Decision making
Date (from – until)
Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Assistant Professor, Vicedean for Business Affairs
Work field
Decision Theory, Business Decision making
Date (from – until)
Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Assistant Professor
Work field
Decision Theory, Business Decision making
Date (from – until)
Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Teaching Assistant
Work field
Decision Theory, Business Decision making
Date (from – until)
Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Research assistant
Work field
Decision Theory, Business Decision making, Intelligent Organizations
Mother tongue
English language
German language
Business Decision Making, undergraduate study Information and Business Systems
Business Decision Making, undergraduate study Economics of Entrepreneurship
Business Decision Analysis, graduate study Economics of Entrepreneurship
Decision Theory, graduate study in Informatics
Visits to foreign research and education institutions
Professional education at Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh (USA); JFDP (Junior Faculty Development Program); scholarship of the U.S. Department of State (December 2007- June 2008)
Awards and recognitions
2017 - Award for special scientific and teaching achievements at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics
2017 - Award for the best presenter and scientific contribution Balaban, I., Begičević Ređep, N., Klačmer Čalopa, N.: Assesing digital maturity of schools na konferenciji ICTEL 2017
2015 - Special Rector Award in academic year 2014./2015. (for support to students and student council at FOI)
2012 – II. Award for the best online course at the University of Zagreb
2009 - Award for the best young scientist at Faculty of organization and informatics, University of Zagreb
2008 - Award for the best young scientist in 2008 in the field of information science in Croatia, The society of university teachers, scholars and other scientists
2008 - Award for the best doctoral thesis in 2008, Rotary
2007 - Award for the best and most creative implementation of the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), Chile, ISAHP
Organizational skills and competences
Member of Editorial board – Jorunals: International Journal of the AHP; Croatian Operational Research Review
Member of Programme Commitee - Conferences: SYMORG, CECIIS, DIGITOMICS, IFIP DSS, SST, etc.
Membership in science organizations and bodies
Member of the Croatian Operational Research Society
Member of the European Operational Research Society
Commissions, committees, boards and work groups
Member of the Committee for the introduction of informatics at the Ministry of Science and Education level – 2017.
Member of the Committee for developing digital maturity strategy – Ministry of Science and Education – 2017.
Program Committee International Scientific Conference Economics of Digital Transformation (EDT) 2018 DIGITOMICS
Program Committee IJAHP (International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process) Journal
Program Committee IFIP DSS 2018 Conference
Program Committee IFIP DSS 2018 Conference
Program Committee CECIIS Conference
Member of the Supervisory Board Technology Park Varazdin – since 2015
Member of the Croatian Operational Research Society
Member of the Committee for e-Learning at the University of Zagreb – till 2015
Member of the Commission for selection the best e-courses at the University of Zagreb
Member of the U.S. Alumnia and U.S. Affiliates Community
Councilor in County Assembly of the Varazdin County in 2009
Vice-President of the Commission for Gender Equality of the Varazdin County in 2010
President of the Commission for Gender Equality of the Varazdin County in 2014
President of the Youth Committee in Varazdin County, appointed in November 2011
Vice-President of the Local Partnerships for Employment at the Varazdin County (result of the IPA project - Component IV - Human Resources Development)
President of the School Board of the 2nd High School Varaždin - 2009
Member of the School Board of the 2nd Primary School Varaždin – 2009-2010
ERASMUS projekt AMED - “Advancing higher education in Maldives through E-learning Development", 2019.-2022.
ESF projekt “e-Škole: Uspostava sustava razvoja digitalno zrelih škola (pilot projekt)”, 2015.-2019.
HORIZON 2020 CRISS, Demonstration of a scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure through the Certification of digital competences in primary and secondary schools, 2017.-2019.
INTERREG DIGITRANS, Digital transformation in the Danube region, 2017.-2019.
ESF projekt “Razvoj standarda kvalifikacija i preddiplomskih studijskih programa na Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu”, 2014.-2016.
ESF projekt HR.3.1.20-0038 Osnaživanje gimnazijskog obrazovanja provedbom kurikularne reforme STEM i ICT područja; 2014.-2016.
IPA projekt Klick & Learn, Škola za umjetnost, dizajn, grafiku i odjeću Zabok, 2012.-2014.
IPA projekt FIDES - FROM IP TO BUSINESS: Developing enviroment for startup companies, 2011.-2013.
LLP Life Long Learning Programme COMENIUS, InterCom-Learning - Basic Skills, 2011.-2013.
IPA Kosovo, Project Inception Report EU IT Pilot Project in the Field of Education, EuropeAid/127855/D/SER/KOS, 2010. – 2012.
IPA Local Partnerships for Employment, EuropeAid/127435/D/SER/HR, 2009.-2011.
Challenges of applying new teaching methods and techniques in South East European Universities - JFDP alumni, American Council of International Education, 2008.-2009.
Tempus JEP projekt: Enhancing Absorption Capacity of EU Programmes in Croatia, JEP_41063_2006, 2006.-2008.
Tempus JEP projekt: Courses for Institution Building in Croatia - eGovernment (eGovCro), TEMPUS_JEP_IB 40042_2005, 2007. – 2009.
Tempus JEP projekt: Aspects of Organization and Information Systems: Curriculum Development, CD_JEP-16086-2001; 2002. – 2005.
Tempus SCM projekt: Teaching and Language Skills: Training Project, SCM-C006A04, 2004. - 2005.
Begičević Ređep, Nina; Balaban, Igor; Žugec, Bojan (2021): Assessing digital maturity of schools: framework and instrument // Technology Pedagogy and Education (2021);
Šlibar, Barbara; Zlatić, Luka; Begičević Ređep, Nina (2021): Ethical and privacy issues of Learning analytics in Higher Education // ICERI2021 Proceedings, Online Conference: IATED Academy, 2021. 3064-3074 doi:10.21125/iceri.2021.0761
Kadoić, Nikola; Šimić, Diana; Mesarić, Jasna; Begičević Ređep, Nina (2021): Measuring Quality of Public Hospitals in Croatia Using a Multi-Criteria Approach // International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (2021), 19; 1, 29
Šlibar, Barbara; Oreški, Dijana; Begičević Ređep, Nina (2021): Importance of the Open Data Assessment: An Insight Into the (Meta) Data Quality Dimensions // SAGE Open, 11 (2021), 2; 1-18 doi:10.1177/21582440211023178
Maček, D., Magdalenić, I., Begičević Ređep, N. (2021): A Model for the Evaluation of Critical IT Systems Using Multicriteria Decision-Making with Elements for Risk Assessment, Mathematics 2021, 9(9), 1045;
Zlatić, Luka; Šlibar, Barbara; Begičević Ređep, Nina (2021): Decision Making Styles in Higher Education Institutions: Systematic Literature Review // Proceedings of the 44th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO 2021 / Opatija: Croatian Society for Information, Communication and Electronic Technology – MIPRO, 2021. 884-890
Novak, Matija; Šlibar, Barbara; Kermek, Dragutin; Begičević, Nina (2020): Evaluation of factor analysis methods: Student feedback case study. // INTED2020 Proceedings Valencia, Spain: IATED, 2020. str. 8208-8216 doi:10.21125/inted.2020.2241
Maček, D., Magdalenić, I., Begičević Ređep, N. (2020): A systematic literature review on the application of multicriteria decision making methods for information security risk assessment, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 2020. Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 161-174
Begičević Ređep N., Klačmer Čalopa M., Tomičić Pupek K. (2020) The Challenge of Digital Transformation in European Education Systems. In: Moos L., Alfirević N., Pavičić J., Koren A., Čačija L. (eds) Educational Leadership, Improvement and Change. Palgrave Studies on Leadership and Learning in Teacher Education. Palgrave Pivot, Cham.
Đurek, V., Begičević Ređep, N., Kadoić, N. (2019). Methodology for Developing Digital Maturity Model of Higher Education Institutions, Journal of Computers, Vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 247-256
Kadoić, N., Divjak, B., Begičević Ređep, N. (2019), Integrating the DEMATEL with the analytic network process for effective decision-making, Central European journal of operations research (CEJOR), Vol.27, pp. 653–678.
Janeš, A., Kadoić, N. i Begičević Ređep, N. (2018). Differences in prioritization of the BSC’s strategic goals using AHP and ANP methods, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences (2018), Vol. 42 (2), pp. 193-217.
Begičević Ređep, N., Balaban, I., Žugec, B., Klačmer Čalopa, M., Divjak, B. (2019). Framework for digitally mature schools, European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL) 2019, special issue – best of EDEN 2017;
Kadoić, Nikola; Begičević Ređep, Nina; Divjak, Blaženka: A new method for strategic decision-making in higher education // Central European journal of operations research (CEJOR) (2017) 180-198.
Kadoić, N.; Divjak, B.; Begičević Ređep, N.: Differences among Social Network Structures in the Private Sector, Politics and NGOs in Croatia // TEM Journal, Vol.6, No.4, (2017)
Nigodon Višnjic, S., Begičević Ređep, N.; Hainš Vidaček, V.: Stavovi i percepcije žena na rukovodećim pozicijama o njihovom položaju na radnom mjestu; Ekonomska misao i praksa, No.1 lipanj (2018)
Balaban, I.; Begicevic Ređep N.; Klačmer Čalopa M.: The Analysis of Digital Maturity of Schools in Croatia // International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), December (2017)
Đurek, V., Kadoić, N., Begičević Ređep N.: Assessing the Digital Maturity Level of Higher Education Institutions; MIPRO 2018., MIPRO 2018/CE; pp. 747-752 (2018)
Klačmer Čalopa, Marina; Tomičić-Pupek, Katarina; Begičević Ređep, Nina: Methodology for strategic planning of ICT integration in educational institutions: evidence from primary and secondary schools in Croatia; Proceedings of EDULEARN18 Conference 2nd-4th July 2018, Palma, Mallorca, Spain, ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5
Jugo, G.; Balaban, I.; Pezelj, M.; Begičević Ređep N.: Development of a Model to Assess the Digitally Mature Schools in Croatia; poglavlje u knjizi “Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing”; IFIP International Federation for Information Processing; Springer; 2017.
Kadoić, Nikola; Begičević Ređep, Nina; Divjak, Blaženka, Decision Making with the Analytic Network Process // Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Operational Research / Zadnik Stirn, Lidija ; Kljajić Borštar, Mirjana ; Žerovnik, Janez ; Drobne, Samo (ur.).Bled: Slovensko društvo Informatika. Sekcija za operacijske raziskave, 2017. str. 180-187
Begičević Ređep, N., Balaban, I.: Okvir za digitalnu zrelost škola i procjena digitalne zrelosti škola u Hrvatskoj, MIPRO 2017.
Begičević Ređep, N., Balaban, I., Žugec, B., Klačmer Čalopa, M., Divjak, B.: Framework for digitally mature schools, Conference Proceedings, European Distance and E-Learning Network, 2017 (EDEN 2017)
Janeš, A.; Kadoić, N.; Begičević Ređep, N.: The ANP Representation of the BSC // Proceedings of 28th International Conference Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 2017.
Đurek, V., Begičević Ređep, N., Divjak, B.: Digital Maturity Framework for Higher Education Institutions // Proceedings of 28th International Conference Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 2017.
Bohanec, Marko; Kadoić, Nikola; Begičević Ređep, Nina. Qualitative Multiple Criteria Models with Cycles: A Preliminary Study with Method DEX // Scientific program of the 24th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making / Ben Amor, Sarah (ur.). Ottawa, 2017. 78-79
Balaban, I., Begičević Ređep, N., Klačmer Čalopa, N.: Assesing digital maturity of schools, ICTEL 2017, Global research and development services (GRDS), Dubai 2017.
Kadoić, N., Begičević Ređep, N., Divjak, B.: Structuring e-Learning Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems, Conference Proceedings, MIPRO 2017., p. 811.-816.
Kadoić, N., Begičević Ređep, N., Divjak, B.: Effective Strategic Decision Making on Open and Distance Education Issues, Conference Proceedings, European Distance and E-Learning Network, 2017 (EDEN 2017), p. 224-234.
Kadoić, N., Begičević Ređep, N., Divjak, B.: E-Learning Decision Making: Methods and Methodologies; Conference Proceedings; European Distance and E-Learning Network, 2016 (EDEN 2016), p. 73-82.
Cvetkoska, V., Begičević Ređep, N.: Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process to rank city branches, SYMORG 2016, ”Reshaping the Future through Sustainable Business Development and Entrepreneurship”, pp. 241 - 252
Kelemen, R., Biškup M., Begičević Ređep, N.: The Conceptual Risk Management Model - A Case Study of Varazdin County, Proceedings of the Mipro 2016, 39th international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics, Section: Digital Economy and Government, Local Government, Public Sector
Đurek, V., Begičević Ređep, N., Divjak, B.: Review of E-readiness Assessment Tools // Proceedings of 27th International Conference Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 2016
Kadoić, Nikola; Begičević Ređep, Nina. Methodology for online study program development - case study ePITUP // Proeceedings of 2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija: MIPRO, 2015. str. 948-953
Divjak B. Begičević Ređep, N. Strategic Decision Making Cycle in Higher Education: Case Study of E-learning, June 2015 Conference: International Conference on E-learning 2015 At: Las Palmas, SpainVolume: Proceedings of the International Conference on E-learning 2015
Begičević Ređep, N., Bočkaj, J., Klačmer Čalopa, M.: Decision making on human resource capacity in the higher education institutions; ICERI 2015; Sevilla, Spain
Vidaček-Hains, V., Ladić Fischer, S., Kirinić, V., Begičević Redep, N., Ciglar, V., Jovanovic, M.: Enhancing learning foreign languages through volunteering, ICT usage and collaboration between local government, universities and schools. 1st International Conference on " Research And Education - Challenges Toward Future " (ICRAE 2013) Shkodër, 2013.
Hernaus Tomislav, Matić Ivan, Begičević Ređep Nina: Informacijski alati i sustavi za dizajniranje organizacije, Visoka poslovna škola Minerva, Zbornik radova 2013., urednik: Marin Buble, Dugopolje 2013.
Saaty, T., L., Begicevic, N.: The analytic hierarchy process applied to complexity, International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2012 - Vol. 4, No.3 pp. 266 - 283
Đurek, V., Begičević Ređep, N., Divjak, B.: Preconditions for the Implementation of E-learning in Primary Schools in the Republic of Croatia – Pupils’ Perspective, Proceedings of the ITI 2012 34th Int. Conf. On Information Technology Interfaces, 2012, Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 183-189
Matematicki kolokvij – Kadoić, N., Begičević Ređep N., Hunjak T.: Softverska podrška metodama odlučivanja, Znanstveno-stručno kolokvij “Matematika i IKT”, CECIIS – Central European Conference of Intelligent Systems 2012, 19.-20.9.2012., Varaždin, pp. 9-14.
Divjak, B., Begičević Ređep, N.: Methodology for Strategic Planning of e-Learning Implementation in Developing Countries, Proceedings of the EDEN 2012 (European Distance and E-learning Network) Annual Conference, Open Learning Generations, Closing the Gap from “Generation Y” to the Mature Lifelong Learners, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2012.
Cehulić, D., Hunjak, T., Begicevic, N.: Comparison of a Bank's Financial Ratios Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Proceedings of the 22nd Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, September 21st - 23rd, 2011, Varazdin, Croatia, pp. 187 – 194
Kliček, Božidar; Oreški, Dijana; Begičević, Nina, Temporal Recommender Systems, Recent researches in applied computer and applied computational science / Chen, S ; Mastorakis, Nikos ; Rivas-Echeverria, Francklin ; Mladenov, Valeri (ur.). - World Scientific and Egineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press , 2011, ISBN: 978-960-474-281-3, pp 248-253
Begičević, N., Divjak, B., Hunjak, T.: AHP-based group decision making using keypads, International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2011 - Vol. 3, No.4 pp. 443 - 458
Sen, H., Begicevic, N., Geric, S.: Decision making on Customer Relationship Management Solution Using the Analytic Network Process, Proceedings of the ITI 2011 33rd Int. Conf. On Information Technology Interfaces, June 27-30, 2011, Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 439-444
Divjak, B., Peharda, P., Begičević, N.: Social Network analysis of Eureka project partnership in Central and South-Eastern European regions, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 2010 – Vol.34, No.2, pp. 163-238, Varazdin 2010
Saaty, T.L., Begicevic, N.: The scope of human values and human activities in decision making, Appl. Soft Comput. J. 10 (2010) 963-974, doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2010.04.002, Available online 13 April 2010, <> (CC rad), Impact Factor: 2.084, 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.100
Vidacek-Hains, V., Begicevic, N., Klacmer Calopa, M.: Relationship between managers' self-evaluation of decision-making and locus of control, 5th International Conference Economic Development Perspectives of SEE Region in the Global Recession Contex, University of Sarajevo, School Of Economics and Business, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 2010, p. 73-74
Divjak, Blazenka; Peharda, Petra; Begičević, Nina: Social Network Analysis of Successful Partnerships in Innovative International Projects // Proceedings of the ITI 2010 32nd Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces / Vesna Luzar-Stiffler ; Iva Jarec ; Zoran Bekic (ur.), Zagreb : Srce University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, 2010., 441-446
Begičević, N., Divjak, B., Hunjak, T.: AHP based group decision making using keypads, January 2010 Business & Economics Society International Conference Nassau, 2010.
Klačmer Čalopa, M., Begičević N.: AHP based model for decisions on open-end investment funds, Monograph: Economic Policy and Global Recession, Beograd: Faculty of Economics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, 2009. Vol.2, 109-118.
Begičević, N., Divjak, B., Hunjak, T.: Decision-making on prioritization of projects in higher education institutions using the analytic network process approach, Central European Journal of Operations Research CEJOR 2009, Berlin : Springer, Vol. 18., 2010., 3, p. 341-364
Begicevic, Nina; Divjak, Blazenka; Hunjak, Tihomir: Decision making on project selection in high education sector using the Analytic Hierarchy Process // Proceedings of the ITI 2009 31st International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces. Zagreb: University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, 2009. 547-553
Begičević, Nina; Divjak, Blaženka; Hunjak, Tihomir: Comparison between AHP and ANP: Case Study of Strategic Planning of E-Learning Implementation, International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. VOL 1 (2009), 1; 31-44
Begičević, N., Divjak, B., Hunjak, T.: Development of AHP based model for decision making on e-learning implementation, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, VOL 31, NO.1 (2007), Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, 2007., p. 13-25
Begičević, N., Divjak, B., Hunjak, T.: Prioritization of e-learning forms: a multicriteria methodology, Central European Journal of Operations Research CEJOR 2007, Volume 15, December 2007, Issue 4
Fabac, R., Begičević, N., Vukadinović, D.: Knowledge society and decision making in organizations - A formal approach framework, CNSI - 2007, International Conference on Advances and Systems Research, 2007, Zadar, Croatia
Rupčić N., Begičević N.: E-learning potentials in building academic institutions as learning organizations, 6th International Symposium "Economy & Business 2007", International scientific publications, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2007.
Bubaš G., Balaban I., Begičević N.: Course Evaluation in e-Learning by Comparative Analysis of Two or More e-Learning Courses, 18th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems IIS 2007, Varaždin, 2007., p. 65-72.
Begičević N., Divjak B., Hunjak T.: Comparison between AHP and ANP: Case study of strategic planning of e-learning implementation, ISAHP 2007, Viña Del Mar, Chile, 2007.
Bubaš G., Balaban I., Begičević N.: Evaluation of Online Courses as an Element of Instructional Design: The Case of Two Hybrid University Courses, Proceedings of the 30th MIPRO 2007 International Convention in Opatija, Vol. IV., MIPRO, 2007., p. 216-222.
Kliček B., Gerić S., Begičević N.: Data Collection in the Green Patrol project, Our Economy - Review of Current Issues in Economics, Vol. 53, No. 1-2, Maribor, 2007., p.108. - 116.
Begičević N., Divjak B.: Validation of theoretical model for decision making about e-learning implementation, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, VOL 30, NO.2 (2006), Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, 2006., p. 171-185
Begičević N., Divjak B., Hunjak T.: Development of AHP based model for decision making on e-learning implementaton, 17th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems IIS 2006, Varaždin, 2006., p. 375-383.
Hunjak T., Begičević N.: Prioritisation of e-learning forms based on pair-wise comparisons, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 30 (2006), Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, 2006., p. 47-63
Begičević N., Klačmer M., Gerić S.: Innovative approach in management decision making, 8th International conference on linking Systems Thinking, Innovation, Quality, Entrepreneurship and Environment, STIQE 2006, Maribor, Slovenia, 2006., p. 17-23
Divjak B., Begičević, N.: Imaginative Acquisition of Knowledge - Strategic Planning of E-Learning, ITI 2006 Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, University Computing Centre SRCE, University of Zagreb, 2006.
Kliček B., Gerić S., Begičević N.: Innovative approach in environmental satisfaction survey - The green patrol case, 8th International conference on linking Systems Thinking, Innovation, Quality, Entrepreneurship and Environment,STIQE 2006, Maribor, Slovenia, 2006., p.87-93
Hunjak T., Begičević N.: How to choose the most suitable form of implementing e learning?, 16th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems IIS 2005, Varaždin, 2005., p. 169-179.
Baracskai Z., Begičević N., Hruška D.: Modeling e-learning system in high education by DoctuS knowledge-based system: the case of Croatia, Beijing International Conference On Applied Business Research BICABR 2005, Beijing, China, 2005.
Kliček B., Gerić S., Begičević N.: Models of intelligent organizations functioning, Proceedings of the 28th MIPRO 2005 International Convention in Opatija, 2005., p. 40-46.
Zver B., Begičević N., Gerić S.: Od informacija do informacijskih sustava, Zbornik radova XIII., Sveučilište u Mostaru, Ekonomski fakultet Mostar, Mostar, 2004., p. 100-115.
Begičević Ređep N. (2021) Comparative overview of the digital preparedness of education systems in selected CEE countries; CEU Democracy Institute; Center for democracy studies, Working paper series;
Begičević Ređep N., Klačmer Čalopa M., Tomičić Pupek K. (2020) The Challenge of Digital Transformation in European Education Systems. In: Moos L., Alfirević N., Pavičić J., Koren A., Čačija L. (eds) Educational Leadership, Improvement and Change. Palgrave Studies on Leadership and Learning in Teacher Education. Palgrave Pivot, Cham.
Virkus S., Kirinić V., Begičević Ređep, N. (2020) The Role of E-learning and Information Culture in Educational Institutions in Transforming European Education In: Moos L., Alfirević N., Pavičić J., Koren A., Čačija L. (eds) Educational Leadership, Improvement and Change. Palgrave Studies on Leadership and Learning in Teacher Education. Palgrave Pivot, Cham.
Jugo, G.; Balaban, I.; Pezelj, M.; Begičević Ređep N.: Development of a Model to Assess the Digitally Mature Schools in Croatia; poglavlje u knjizi “Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing”; IFIP International Federation for Information Processing; Springer; 2017.
Preporuke za inovaciju studijskih programa iz ekonomije i poslovne ekonomije na temelju ishoda učenja; poglavlje B.Divjak, N.Begičević Ređep: Preporuke za sistemske i strateške inovacije studijskih programa iz područja ekonomije i Poslovne ekonomije; rujan, 2016.
F.Ruža, L.Budin, B.Divjak, N.Begičević Ređep: Strategija visokog obrazovanja u Sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj, Zbornik – Izlaganja „Visoko obrazovanje i znanost u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj“, urednici: L.Budin, M.Klačmer Čalopa, HAZU – Zavod za znanstveni rad u Varaždinu, FOI, Zagreb-Varaždin, 2014.
B.Divjak, A.Spahić, K.Brodar, Z.Stapić, T.Orehovački, D.Munđar, M.Ostroški, S.Kukec, N.Begičević i ostali: Projekti u znanosti i razvoju EUROPSKI PROGRAMI, TIVA Varaždin, 2009.
B.Divjak, V.Strahonja, D.Kermek, V.Mornar, M.Cifrek, Ž. Milin Šipuš, A.Čižmešija, R.Manger, G.Nogo, Z. Erjavec, M. Ostroški, T.Hunjak, N. Begičević, N.Vrček, Z.Krakar: Ishodi učenja, TIVA, Varaždin, 2008.
Godišnja monografija Fakulteta organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Akademska godina 2016./2017. Uredništvo: N.Vrček, N.Begičević Ređep, R.Mekovec, V.Kovšca, M.Klačmer Čalopa, T.Zrinski 2017. ISBN 978-953-6071-61-6
Monografija 50 godina Fakulteta organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, FOI, uređivački odbor: F.Ruža, M.Žugaj, B.Divjak, Ž.Hutinski, N.Begičević Ređep i ostali, Printera grupa d.o.o., Varaždin 2012.
Scientific projects
Croatian Science Foundation: Project Improving HEI maturity to implement learning analytics - HELA (2021.-2025.)
Croatian Science Foundation: Development of a methodological framework for strategic decision-making in higher education – a case of open and distance learning (ODL) implementation (2015.-2019.)
International and national projects
Project “e-Schools: Establishing a System for Developing Digitally Mature Schools (pilot project)” ESF; 2015-2019; (coordinator at FOI)
Project “Development of qualification standards and undergraduate study programs at the Faculty of Textile Technology”, ESF; (coordinator at FOI); 2014-2016;
Project HR.3.1.20-0038 Empowering gymnasium education through the curricular reform in the field of STEM and ICT; ESF; (koordinatorica na FOI-ju) 2014-2016;
Horizon CRISS, Demonstration of a scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure through the Certification of digital competences in primary and secondary schools, 2017-2019 (associate)
IPA project Klick & Learn, Škola za umjetnost, dizajn, grafiku i odjeću Zabok, 2012-2014 (coordinator at FOI)
IPA FIDES - FROM IP TO BUSINESS: Developing enviroment for startup companies, 2011-2013 (associate)
Life Long Learning Programme COMENIUS, InterCom-Learning - Basic Skills, 2011-2013 (associate)
IPA Kosovo, Project Inception Report EU IT Pilot Project in the Field of Education, EuropeAid/127855/D/SER/KOS, 2010 - 2012. (associate)
IPA 2007-2009, Local Partnerships for Employment, EuropeAid/127435/D/SER/HR 2009-2011. (associate)
Challenges of applying new teaching methods and techniques in South East European Universities - JFDP alumni, American Council of International Education, 2008-2009. (coordinator at FOI)
Tempus JEP projekt: Enhancing Absorption Capacity of EU Programmes in Croatia, JEP_41063_2006 (associate)
Tempus JEP projekt: Courses for Institution Building in Croatia - eGovernment (eGovCro), TEMPUS_JEP_IB 40042_2005, 2007 – 2009. (associate)
Tempus JEP projekt: Aspects of Organization and Information Systems: Curriculum Development, CD_JEP-16086-20012002 – 2005. (associate)
Tempus SCM projekt: Teaching and Language Skills: Training Project, SCM-C006A04, 2004 - 2005. (associate)
Croatian Science Foundation: Project Improving HEI maturity to implement learning analytics - HELA from 2021 until 2025
Croatian science foundation, Development of a methodological framework for strategic decision-making in higher education – a case of open and distance learning (ODL) implementation - HigherDecision, from 2015 until 2019
National science foundation, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Croatia: The learning outcomes in interdisciplinary study programs INTER-OUTCOMES, from 2007 until 2008.
CarNet: Referral center for project application in e-education, 2003-2006, leader: Phd Blaženka Divjak, from 2003 until 2006.
National science foundation, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Croatia: Referral Center for Quality Management in Higher Education Institutions, from 2005 until 2006.
Project “Modern public administration”, Varaždin County, leader of the project, duration: 10.2008 – 6.2009.
expertise in strategic planning and decision making – expert for resource allocation and strategic planning and multi-criteria decision making – projects, workshops, training, teaching (8 years of experience),
expertise in strategic planning; business and multi-criteria decision making in education
expertise in digital maturity; planning and implementation of digital technologies in education – e-learning strategy, e-Readiness research; Framework for digitally mature schools, etc.