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"ABCitiEs" - a second project meeting held in Athens, Greece

Created: 30.05.2019

A second partnership meeting within the "ABCitiEs" project (Area Based Collaborative Entrepreneurship) approved under the EU program "Interreg Europe" was held this month in Athens, Greece.

This is a project with the Faculty of Organization and Informatics as one of the project partners, as well as the City of Varaždin and the City of Čakovec (as one of the urban regions), and other four urban regions representing the foreign cities - Amsterdam, Athens, Manchester and Vilnius.

During the three day meeting, project partners, stakeholders and internationally renowned speakers shared ideas about area based collective entrepreneurship and place making and visited local ABCE initiatives like Kypseli Municipal Market, Aiolou Street and Romantso Creative Space.

The progress and importance of this project for the City of Varaždin was also represented by full professor Vjeran Strahonja, Ph. D. from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, accompanied by 
administrative and financial project manager from the Center for International Projects at FOI Lana Škvorc, as well as representatives of the City of Varaždin - Sandra Malenica, Goranka Grgić and Tatjana Posavec and the representative of the City of Čakovec David Vugrinec.

The project started on June 1st, 2018 and will last until May 31th, 2022. A total project budget of 1,596,551 
‎€ was approved by ERDF.

More information is available on the project official website.