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Information and Business Systems

The study enables students to obtain the competences in the field of informatics and organization that are in line with the similar studies in other European countries.

At the undergraduate level, one can enroll in the university study program Information and Business Systems. At the end of their studies, students acquire the title of university bachelor's degree in informatics..


Through the revision process, and following trends and the modern labor market, in the university study program Information and business systems, from the academic year 2020/2021. a step forward was made in four new areas, i.e. modules: Development of software systems, Artificial intelligence in business, Networked systems and computer games, and Analysis and design of business systems. The revised university study program Information and Business Systems allows students to take the same group of compulsory subjects in the first and second year of study, while in the third year they are offered new electives, i.e. four new groups of elective subjects, aligned with these modules:

Development of software systems

The development of software systems is an important discipline related to the development of information systems and creates a fundamental basis for the application of information technology within modern organizations. The informatization of organizations on a global level gained unstoppable momentum in the field of digitization, which in Europe we call Industry 4.0. The application and integration of the mentioned concepts and technologies in information systems requires thorough changes in the way of thinking about the design of organizational structures and the value chain.

Artificial intelligence in business

Artificial intelligence consists of machine learning, visualization of data and knowledge, automatic reasoning, robotics, intelligent agents, etc. Machine learning enables organizations to create new business models and optimize business processes while encouraging creative employee engagement and increasing user satisfaction. It is also related to the analytics of data sets - a relatively new scientific and professional discipline that encompasses a wide area of computer application in the analysis of large amounts of data.

Networked systems and computer games

The field of networked systems includes four components: cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, the Internet of Services and smart factories. All four will strongly influence organizations, business processes and the way of doing business, which implies the need for an increasing number of educated experts in the field. Computer games are also an important direction in the development of informatics that connects numerous disciplines, and all of this represents a great interest among the younger generations of students.

Analysis and design of business systems

One of the key areas of activity of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics is research into the development of information systems and the interaction of business processes and information technology. It is the historical fulcrum of the development of FOI. Industry 4.0, along with accompanying disciplines, is of exceptional importance for the Faculty because it unites the interaction of the organization and information and communication technology in conditions of complete networking. You can see the full list of subjects for the revised Information and Business Systems university study program here.

The Programme in Numbers

The duration of the study programme Information and Business Systems is 3 years, i.e. 6 semesters. In accordance with the pre-defined classification of subjects the students are required to earn a minimum of 180 ECTS credits at the undergraduate level.

Academic Title

After completing the studies, students acquire the title of university bachelor's degree in informatics.

New Knowledge

Upon successful finishing their undergraduate study programmes within both study orientations the students acquire the following knowledge:

  • Fundamental knowledge of technology and infrastructure required for software development and operation of modern information systems
  • Key theoretical competencies associated with the development and implementation of software and information systems
  • Fundamental knowledge of the functioning and structure of an organization, importance of its business processes and ways in which they can be efficiently organized by applying information technology
  • Effective use of computers on the level of operating systems and office applications
  • Knowledge of network infrastructure and network administration skills
  • Database design and database administration skills
  • Programming in one of programming languages
  • Programming of web applications
  • Preparation of software development projects and business requirements formalization
  • Development of standard business information systems.

The level of knowledge and understanding of the above-mentioned areas that are acquired in the undergraduate study is sufficient to ensure a professional attitude to work and enable the students obtaining this degree to independently solve routine problems as well as those of medium complexity in practice.

Furthermore, this degree makes students capable of interpreting relevant data independently and enables them to communicate on topics of professional interest with other subjects in the same field or those outside that field in a competent way. On the one hand, the knowledge and skills specified would make students finishing the undergraduate study suitable for entry into the world of business by making them aware of the scope and dynamics of their professional field, which would encourage them to continue working on their own education and development. On the other hand, the undergraduate study provides a solid ground for the students who intend to continue their studies enabling them to successfully meet the challenges of subsequent levels of study.