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Research tracks and project activities on second conference day

Second conference day emphasized the importance of research tracks and project activities.

Online Student Poster and Presentation section held on first conference day

This year's Student Section, organized within the CECIIS 2022 international conference, gathered 11 young researchers. The Student Section was held on the first conference day, Wednesday, September 21st . The topics of their research are not only related to the use of information and communication technology, but also to a wide range of interdisciplinary areas.

CECIIS 2022 panel discussion brought together academic and economic sector representatives

This year's panel discussion ‘Smart university for smart industry’ was held on the first conference day, Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 at the University of Dubrovnik and online, as it was open to all interested participants. The panel brought together international scientists and the representatives of two big IT companies, CECIIS 2022 supporters. The panel was led by chair Full Prof. Blaženka Divjak, Ph.D.

CECIIS 2022 conference officially opened in Dubrovnik

After 32 years of being held in Varaždin, the 33rd international scientific conference, Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems - CECIIS 2022, was officially opened today, September 21, 2022, on the premises of the University of Dubrovnik, and for the first time in the city of Dubrovnik.

EDEN research workshop held in Dubrovnik
Days before the start of our conference Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, the EDEN Research Workshop 'Towards Smart and Inclusive Learning Ecosystem' was held, from September 19th to 20th, 2022 at University of Dubrovnik, hosted by the Faculty of Organization and Informatics. Read more below.
FOI became a member of Informatics Europe

The Faculy of Organization and Informatics became a proud member of Informatics Europe. Informatics Europe represents the academic and research community in Informatics in Europe and neighbouring countries. It brings together university departments and research laboratories, creating a strong common voice to promote, shape and stimulate quality research, education, and knowledge transfer in Informatics in Europe. It is a non-profit membership association based in Zurich, Switzerland.

14.09.2022, 11:07
We invite you to CECIIS 2022 panel discussion ‘Smart university for smart industry’

Dear CECIIS 2022 participants, we are glad to invite you to this year's panel discussion ‘Smart university for smart industry’ on the first conference day, Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 at 02:00 pm at the University of Dubrovnik (campus, room 1). Panel will be held onsite and online and will be open to all interested participants. Read more below.

12.09.2022, 08:05
Students shared their experiences from the first combined intensive BIP program

Faculty of Organization and Informatics was among the first faculties at the University of Zagreb, in the status of coordinator, that applied for and implemented the Erasmus+ blended intensive programme - BIP, called "Transform to sustain: Sustainable future enabled by digital transformation". In the video below,  first participating students shared their impressions.

Join us this September at CECIIS 2022 in Dubrovnik

The aim of the Conference is to be the interface of researchers involved in the development and application of methods and techniques in the field of information and intelligent systems. The Conference program includes invited lecturers, contributed papers and other parallel events. See the preliminary agenda below.

LaUNCH with MOOCs - join us at CECIIS 2022

We invite you to join us on a CECIIS 2022 parallel working lunch event in Dubrovnik with experts from RAPIDE and eDESK projects to discuss and engage in MOOC design and production. The event will be held on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 13:30 - 15:00 CET, University of Dubrovnik (Ul. branitelja Dubrovnika 29, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia).
