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CECIIS 2020 conference deadline extended
We inform you that CECIIS 2020 Deadline is now extended till June 15, 2020. PhD students are invited to submit abstracts and to join EDEN PhD Symposium till deadline, July 31, 2020. Read the important dealines below.
22.05.2020, 10:40
31st Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems CECIIS 2020 announcement

The 31st Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems CECIIS 2020 will be held from October 7th to October 9th, 2020 at FOI in Varaždin. The special emphasis of this year Conference is on "Intelligent Systems - Trends, Future, Society". This year's conference is organized by The Faculty of Organization and Informatics and EDEN – European Distance and e-Learning Network. Read the important dates below.

FOI Welcome Week for international students

As an introduction to summer semester of the academic year 2019/20, FOI International Relations Office organizes a Welcome Week for international students who will study at FOI in the upcoming semester. Welcome Week will be held from 24th to 28th February 2020.

A new agreement with the Italian University of L'Aquila

In December 2019, a delegation from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics visited the University of L'Aquila, Italy, by the invitation of Professor Henry Muccini. The visit resulted with in the signing of a co-operation agreement under the Erasmus+ mobility program.
