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Invited lecture by Ivana Marinković, EFMD global network director for Central and Eastern Europe

On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, starting at 9:00 a.m. in Hall 2 (FOI 2), an invited lecture by Ivana Marinković, EFMD Global Network, Director for Central and Eastern Europe, will be held. The aim of the lecture is to familiarize the participants with the importance and advantages of the EFMD Global network and EFMD accreditations. The lecture will be held in English.

EFMD Programme Accreditation is an international system of evaluation of study programmes at higher education institutions in the field of management, economics and business economics, which is recognized worldwide by potential students, employers, media and business partners. By acquiring the EFMD Programme Accreditation, the study programme and the associated higher education institution achieve international visibility and recognition of the high quality of educational content and teaching performance comparable to those at leading foreign universities with similar programme content.