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Members of the AMAC-FOI Association reunited at the FOI - elected new leadership and adopted the Work Plan for 2024.

On Friday, January 19, 2024, at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin, the election assembly of the Association of Graduates, Associates and Friends of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics AMAC-FOI was held. About 30 members of the Association participated in the assembly, and 20 members with the right to vote unanimously supported Associate Professor Katarina Tomičić-Pupek, Ph.D. for the new President of the Association, Dejan Drabić for Vice President and Romina Kelemen for Secretary.

The members of the Association unanimously adopted the new Rules of Procedure of the AMAC FOI Assembly and elected members to the working bodies. After the presentation of the report on the work of the Association, the report on the work of the Supervisory Board and the financial report for the previous period, amendments to the Statute were proposed in terms of shortening the term of office and the deadlines for holding the election assembly from four to two years, which were unanimously adopted. The new President of the Association presented the Work Plan and Financial Plan for 2024, which was followed by an informal gathering of those present and the planning and development of ideas for upcoming joint activities.

Member of the presidency of the Association and Dean of FOI, Prof.Marina Klačmer Čalopa, Ph.D. emphasized the importance of gathering the FOI alumni community at the Faculty in order to strengthen mutual cooperation and connect FOI alumni from the academic and business world.

In the coming period, AMAC-FOI will work on greater visibility of the Association, a new visual identity and the design of joint activities with the aim of creating a strong network of former students that encourages dialogue, sharing of experiences and continuous support and development of the community of former students, associates and friends.