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Development of a digital business model for SMEs through DIGITRANS methodology

Created: 28.02.2019

In Zagreb, in the headquarters of KONČAR Elektroindustrija d.d. on February 27, 2019, organized by the Association of Croatian Exporters and the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, a workshop on Development of a digital business model for SMEs through DIGITRANS methodology intended for entrepreneurs and others involved in making strategic business decisions was held.

The workshop was attended by 15 representatives of companies who, using the combination of new and existing tools on practical examples, wanted to overcome the steps needed to design a new business model that uses all the potential of digital technologies.

The workshop was moderated by Full Prof Vjeran Strahonja, PhD, Assis. Prof Martina Tomičić Furjan, PhD and Assis. Prof Katarina Tomičić-Pupek, PhD from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics and Ivan Plačko, Director of the Technological Innovation Center of Međimurje. Moderators participate in the Digital Transformation in the Danube Region – Digitrans implemented within the Interreg Transdanubian Danube Region and as experts in digital business modeling have participated in creating DIGITRANS methodology and tools and have rich experience in developing a digital business model using DIGITRANS methodology.