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FOI students won at hackathon with an innovative application

The first edition of Change Code hackathon competition was organized by KING ICT. The competitors had to develop a virtual place which would connect associations who need help with citizens who are willing to volunteer.

07.05.2018, 14:04
FOI students in the finals of the Start-up Competition in Vienna

Students from the Master study program Economics of Entrepreneurship at FOI have participated in a start-up competition, which was held from 28th until 29th of April 2018 in Budapest.

03.05.2018, 14:15
FSec Underground Lecture

FSec lectures on "Threat intelligence, detection and response @ scale" were held at FOI on 11th of May 2018.

03.05.2018, 12:42
First study visit of FOI students to the Faculty of Organizational Science in Belgrade

Students of Economics of Entrepreneurship at FOI participated from 27th to 28th March 2018 a first study visit to Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) in Belgrade.

International workshop "e-Payments"

The international workshop "e-Payments" was held at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics from 12th until 16th of March 2018.

22.03.2018, 16:13
