The Kick-off meeting started with the introduction of the TRUELA research group members, including researchers from FOI and six other universities in Europe and Australia: Open University UK, KU Leuven, Oulu University, Open University of Catalonia, Goethe University, Monash University Australia. After that, Professor Divjak introduced the TRUELA project, including its objectives and planned activities.
The Kick-off was followed by the first part of the Research workshop, which will be continued within the Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, to be held in Varaždin in September 2024. The workshop presented an opportunity to discuss the current research and findings related to trustworthy LA, as a starting point for further TRUELA project activities. In this context, Professor Lourdes Guardia (OU Catalonia), Professor Hanni Muukkonen (Oulu), Professor Bart Rienties (OU UK), Yuheng Li (Monash) and Barbi Svetec (FOI) presented their latest research and projects related to the trustworthiness LA, while Assoc. Prof. Goran Hajdin (FOI) talked about examples of AI failures.